
Thursday, 28 February 2013

One of my treasure....

Alhamdulillah.. Bangunnya daku sambil memandang awan biru membuatkan daku tenang.. Syukran sayang atas nasihatmu.. Syukran Ya Allah kerana masih sayangkan daku.. Segala ujian dan dugaan kuambil sebagai iktibar dan pengajaran bagiku untuk menempuhi hari kelak.. Sungguh.. Kata-katamu membuatkan daku terdiam seketika.. Sungguh benar sehingga daku terdiam sambil berfikir how pathetic I'm to be a person whom don't really understand anything and just keep repeating doing the same mistake instead of learning things about what had happens to me.. But last night was like a hit.. I was really hit by your words and finally now I realize how problematic syndrome that I have.. It just like a problematic algebraic expression, just wanna find the x values lies upon the calculation.. Just hard to solve it but in just a blow of your words make me reminds it's formula to finish this problem.. Insyaallah I'll try to fight it until the ends because it's just a beginning for me and my future is upon me so instead if crying maybe I just can look forward.. Try to cheerish what I had to cheerish for and take all the opportunities that came to me.. Be more independant, more respectful, more confident, more brave, more beautiful, more successful.. Because of what?? Because I deserved to be as one of the slave of the almighty whom keep searching the truly meaning of life and always tried to do in the best way to earn His blessing.. So.. Sunshine.. Will rise and that is the beginning of my life to earn everything in His blessing.. Thanks again my love because you always be there for me when I needed.. And thanks Allah for giving him for me..

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