
Thursday, 25 July 2013


Alhamdulillah.. syukur pada ilahi kerana daku masih lagi dapat bernafas dengan rahmat serta kasihMu. Saat ini, perjuangan yang terakhir di bumi perantauan sangat memberi impak serta natijah yang bakal menjadi 'indicator' dalam hidupku. Segala dugaan dan cabaran disini sangat berharga kerana masa itu emas, walau pahit atau manis segalaNya pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya. Begitulah tekadku untuk saat terakhir ini. Moga daku dapat merealisasikan impianku untuk menjadi seorang 'financer' yang baik. Tidak kira dalam bidang apapun tetapi moga ianya lebih cenderung kepada finance or medic. Next step, just wanna thinking about job or mybe further my study in islamic finance or become a surgeon but to be a surgeon, need to go back and became a new student. Then, waiting for about 6@7 years just to complete my bachelor. Hmmm.. In sha Allah.. Hopefully everything that had been set up for me was a very good choice indeed because it's from the almighty Allah. Just like meeting you my love. Eventhough our circumstance was bigger indeed but yet we can manage to survive because of Him. His blessing is upon us. Now and forever. In sha Allah. Every moment was like a track lane. Just keep running in order to go to the finale. Get tired every moment but still wanna keep it up because the finale was so amazing yet giving lot's of pleasure in my heart. So my heart keep saying "it's ok to be hurt.. because he is always be by your side.. heals your broken mind and soul". So, it's ok to cry because you always by myside when I needed most. Not material that I want from you.. but sincerity of your heart.. in order to take care of me.. whom been miserable by the gloomy memories yet can't still move forward and keep smile all the times. So.. thanks again my love.. thanks a lot because without you.. maybe I still can't find my soul.. who really I was.. thanks Ya Allah for giving him to me.. such a big present from Him that I cherish most. So I pray every moment.. every breath.. that you are my love from Allah forever. It's also really because of you.. for me to see the splendid achievement nowdays.. thanks my love.. love you so much

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